“A strategic IT transformation needs to be iterative and sustainable, underpinned by continuous improvement as ‘the’ organisational culture which paves the way to transform. When building a successful digital transformation strategy, it’s important to prepare yourself. Your stakeholders will benefit from scenario planning, to allow flexibility and resilience to changing external conditions.”

CIO David Marcelino explains his approach to leading on a successful IT transformation program at one of the world’s largest audit and advisory firms that aims to improve the digital experience for all stakeholders where the audit, assurance, advisory and consulting engagements undertaken by Mazars can be better managed via online platforms.
Global IT transformation program
“Everyone might have their own strategy to meet their tactical needs, but at Mazars it’s important for us to consider the end-to-end landscape of challenges and opportunities in IT,” reflects David. He is not driving a transformation program in isolation. Mazars involves as many stakeholders as possible in the journey to develop criteria based on business priorities and the management of risk.
Planning for progress
Since David joined Mazars in 2019, as a starting point, his team structured the IT organisation to balance run versus the growth and transformation. “We needed to make sure we could support business continuity and reduce unplanned work. We needed space and time for planned work to drive improvements,” he explains.
“Next, we improved and simplified the IT services consumer experience to drive transparency and efficiency. We engaged consumption-based and scalable, flexible IT suppliers like EasyVista. Finally, we increased employee productivity through online platforms while expanding our cybersecurity and data posture to reduce risks.”