Procurement & technology
As experts in procurement, supply chain and technology transformation journeys, we would like to highlight a selection of our recent stories which explore some of the topics mentioned below in practical terms.
- QWhat function does the procurement process play in today’s global business world?
- A
Procurement is currently undergoing a massive transformation. Whilst past positions within procurement departments focussed mainly on pricing, quality of goods and services, in today’s world these positions involve taking many more factors into consideration, utilising existing procurement processes, and making them strategic to the company’s future and strengthening customer perception.
Articles to read:
- Sustainability within the beauty industry – Givaudan, Willem Mutsaerts, Chief Procurement and Sustainabilty Officer
- Environmental factors – Dale Benton
- Corporate, Social Responsibility within the food and beverage industry – Alexandre Turolla, VP Procurement Global Raw Materials, Mondelēz International
As experts in procurement we demonstrate these journeys of transformation within procurement roles in our publication CPOstrategy.
Featuring articles from Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) of large international companies, we discuss their unique stories to demonstrate how changes within procurement processes can ultimately change the culture of an organisation and bring new opportunities for growth.
- QWhat is Digital Disruption and what part does Digital Disruption play in today’s industries?
- A
Digital disruption and the concept of digital transformation is a hot topic the world over, in every industry and market sector.
Articles to read:
- Digital transformation and disruption within the banking sector – Dennis Omila, Chief Information Officer, Union Bank
- How SAAS plays an important role in digital transformation – Chad Kalmes, Vice President Technical Operations, PagerDuty
We demonstrate these innovative journeys of digital transformation and disruption within CPOstrategy and INTERFACE magazines.
Featuring articles from Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) of large international companies, we discuss their unique stories to demonstrate how changes within procurement processes can ultimately change the culture of an organisation and bring new opportunities for growth.
- QWhat is Digital Transformation?
- A
Digital transformation is the strategic adoption of emerging digital technologies. It is used to improve processes and productivity, deliver better customer and employee experiences, manage business risk, and control costs.
Articles to read:
- Improving customer experience within the insurance sector – Lorenza Chiofalo, Head of Innovation, Aviva
- Modernising e-commerce platfoms within the retail sector – Miguel Ángel González Gisbert, Global CTDO, Carrefour
- Transforming business processes in the digital workspace – Sangya Singh, Chief Experience Office, Microsoft Dynamics 365
- Improving collaboration and customer experience within the pharmaceutical sector – Wayne Hull, Chief Digital and Technology Office, PCI Pharma Services
As experts in procurement and technology we demonstrate these journeys of digital transformation and many more within in our publication INTERFACE.
- QWhat is AI?
- A
AI is the abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence and it is playing a part in most people’s lives to some extent, driving innovation and enabling efficient processing and delivery of data, both within a company and ultimately improving the customer experience.
Across the globe and in every sector, enterprises are looking to transform their offerings and operations through the harnessing of data-driven, digital technologies.
Articles to read:
- Using AI to improve data security and assist in anti-money laundering – Jim Logan, Silent Eight, SVP, Regional Sales, US & Latin America
- Innovative AI advancements in the healthcare sector – Andrew Richardson
- AI enhancing procurement operations – Greg Watts, CEO of Findr
- Overcoming AI challenges – Gurpreet Purewal, Associate Vice President, Business Development, iResearch Services
- Innovative AI usage within the fashion industry – Dale Benton
- QWhat is FinTech and InsurTech?
- A
Financial and Insurance technology is becoming crucial in ensuring fraud protection and in improving efficiencies within these industries and is one of the fastest-growing areas for venture capitalists today.
Articles to read:
- Improving customer experience within the insurance sector – Lorenza Chiofalo, Head of Innovation, Aviva
- Digital transformation and disruption within the banking sector – Dennis Omila, Chief Information Officer, Union Bank
We demonstrate these journeys of digital transformation and many more within our publication INTERFACE.
- QWhat is Blockchain technology?
- A
Blockchain refers to a ‘chain of blocks’ of information.
For every ‘event’, there is a block of information associated with it as it occurs. As other related events occur subsequently, the associated event also has another block of information connected to it. You can then trace the history to the highest level of assurance as it cannot be edited. It is shared, secure, immutable and configurable.
Articles to read:
- Sustainable and ethical procurement practices increase trust – Winston Yong, Blockchain leader. IBM Consulting
CPOstrategy – Issue 29 Read the full story, and much more in our publication CPOstrategy.
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